Polybutylene piping

What to know about Poly-B water piping

Poly-B, also known as Polybutylene piping is a flexible grey pipe used in residential plumbing between the 70s and early 90s and was installed in roughly 700,000 homes in Canada. It will typically be identifiable by the print “PB2110” on the pipe.

There were class action lawsuits in the US due to failures of these systems. In Canada, failures were far less due to the lower chlorine levels in our water, and the fact we don’t run water piping in attics. Also, failures decreased greatly when copper and brass fittings replaced the original plastic fittings.

Any plumbing system can leak. The important thing is to verify with your insurance provider that they will insure the home against water damage arising from leaks in a Poly-B system. An increasing number of carriers will not, or will require a premium increase.